sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Midnight in Paris

Al final no me he ido a Barcelona. Una pena, pero mis amigas no podían, así que me he quedado en Madrid, que por otra parte, no me viene mal para hacer cosas.
Para mí, es viernes por la noche y estoy en casa. Me apetecía escribir. Y no siempre lo hago tanto como me gustaría. Suelo escribir todas las semanas en mi diario. Creo que es bueno desahogarse y pensar sobre uno mismo.

He estado viendo la que creo que es mi película favorita, Midnight in Paris. De verdad, que es perfecta. Estoy perdidamente enamorada de la fotografía, el guión y la historia en sí. No me canso. Transmite esperanza, cultura, diseño, deseo de encontrarse a uno mismo. Y en esas me hallo yo ahora. Por eso, os quería dejar unas fotos sobre la peli
Un besito muy fuerte, y feliz finde!

Finally I didn't go to Barcelona because my friends couldn't go. That's a pity, cause I really wanted to travel. But I'm in Madrid and I'll try to spend my time. 
For me now, it's Friday night. And I'm not partying. I'm in front of my computer writing. I wanted to write, to share. I love writing and I don't do it as I wanted. I use to write every week in my diary. Its good to vent the emotions. 

I've been watching my favorite movie, Midnight in Paris. Actually, I think it's just perfect. I'm totally in love with the music, the photography, the script...everything. It show you hope, culture, design, and the wish to find yourself. Its very deep and emotional. I give you some pics of the movie.

And my favorite part...


2 comentarios:

  1. Parties are funny but sometimes I prefer staying home, watch a movie and relax after an hard week!
    I've heard about that film but i've never watched it..it's time to do it! I think it will be beautiful as every woody allen's movies!
    By the way I've never visited your blog before..it's really interesting! Keep it up! :)

    If you want you could come to visit my blog, i would be happy to know what you think about it and stay in touch :)
    And if you want we could also support each other, just let me know
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  2. thanks for sharing. i need to get seeing that movie soon


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